
Platform Admin App

Platform Admin App

Customize your app to your desired colors including your Logo.

Aggregate restaurants, grocery stores and local merchants in your own app and launch a food ordering and delivery platform:

List of Key Features
Private Logo
Color theme
Driver Assignment
User Setting
Roles Setting
Driver charger setting
Chat Box
App Categories setting
App Categories setting
Fee and commission settings
Settlement with Merchant and Driver

Marketplace Operation

Sale summary report, Merchant sale report
Drivers task assignment
Set Mobile App Home advertisement banners
Assist Merchant create, modify categories and products
Users management, block users, user spending report
Orders management, report, status
Users Reviews and Rating management

Marketplace Configuration

  • Categories
  • Tax, VAT
  • Customer support contacts info: email, phone number, Telegram, Messenger accounts
  • Payment method, banks gateway
  • Auto translation

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