
Delivery Service Platform

Product - Delivery Service Platform


Orderi provides startups, grocery stores, restaurants, retailers, shops, and other business with all the IT tools needed to launch your online ordering and delivery solutions using your own brand. Ideal for mobile-commerce startups, grocery stores, restaurant chairs, individual restaurants, and digital pharmacies.

  • Customize the app and system admin to private label your brand and business
  • Add many different merchants, restaurants, Café shops, Grocery stores, Electronic Stores
  • Support dine-inn, pick-up, and delivery orders
  • Build your user base
Orderi Food Delivery

The Order Only Model

Don’t hesitate to contact us any time

We have advanced skills and ample resources to create large-scale solutions as well as guide startups from idea to profit.

Sopheak Mongkol Road
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+855 98 218 555
+855 98 209 555